Insure safe advisors

Our Products

Get a Personal, Business, Life or Funeral Insurance Quote today with a company that cares about you. Let us show you how much you can save.

Get covered with Insure Safe Advisors.

How Can We Cover You?

Specialized Insurance Cover:

Professional Indemnity for Fitness Professionals

It is expected that professionals or those giving specialist advice will act with skill and care when providing services to clients. Should there be negligence in carrying out these services, they could be held legally liable for the consequences. Liability arises when there is a breach in contract and financial losses are incurred.

Should you be accused of negligence, as a business owner/PT you need to be prepared. You can’t ignore such accusations and will need to defend yourself, which is where this policy comes into its own. Not having this cover in place can have serious consequences if a claim is made against you, especially in today’s environment of heightened consumer awareness.

Insurance cover designed for individuals that are involved with health and wellness, sport coaching, instructing, and training of individuals. this insurance covers Coaches, Personal Trainers, Group Trainers (Spinning, Pilates, Yoga, Body Conditioning, etc), Coaches (Cricket, Cycling, Soccer, Rugby, Tennis, Athletics, Netball, etc), Instructors (pole, dance, Pilates, etc), and anything else that falls within this ambit of cover required.

A professional indemnity policy provides cover for defence costs as well as for any damages payable as a result of a court award. It can also cover the reimbursement of the litigant’s expenses, if applicable.

Income Protector / Prime Assets

Prime Asset Cover is a tailored Income Protection Policy that protects you “the Prime Asset” in your business in the event of illness or accident, whether you’re the owner, a commission earner, a freelancer or a key staff member.

In the event of an accident, cover is immediate and in the event of illness cover pays after only 4 days, for up to 6 months per occurrence.

Unlike other products with longer waiting periods Prime Asset covers you immediately. You don’t have to worry about the end of the month when bills have to be paid. Prime Asset Cover is affordable so that you don’t have to carry the risk of illness or injury.

Personal Lines: Cover for you

Homeowners Insurance Cover

Is also known as building insurance. It is a policy which specifically covers the building structure of a home against accidental loss or damage caused by fire, theft or natural disasters like floods.

Household / Home Contents Insurance 

Covers everything in your house against theft, fire, malicious or weather damages (storms, flooding, lightning).

Contents insurance covers the financial cost of repairing or replacing your household personal possessions and furnishings, such as curtains, furniture, white goods, stereo, TV, computers and other electrical appliances, clothing, jewellery, sporting equipment and even toys.

Unspecified All Risks Insurance Cover

If items are insured under this section, each item will be separately insured; therefore an individual rate would apply to each item, depending on the level of risk associated with that specific item. For example a cellular phone would carry more risk than a watch. It is important to have valuation certificates for these items, to prove that they are the property of the insured as well as to prove the value in the event of a claim.

Specified All Risk Insurance Cover

Under this type of cover you can insure items normally taken away from the house against an unforeseen event, without having to state each and every item.

There is usually a monetary limit for any one article under this section, if one item included in this section exceeds about R1 000 or R1 500 (depending on the various companies), it must be specified.

Motor Vehicle Insurance

You need to have motor insurance before you can drive your vehicle in a public place. It protects you, your vehicle and other motorists against liability in case there is an accident. It provides financial compensation to cover any injuries caused to people or their property.

You can add on vehicle car hire under this policy.

There are various value-added products that can be added onto this insurance. If the vehicle is financed, then credit shortfall / top up / gap cover should be selected. Credit shortfall insurance, or gap insurance, covers the difference between the amount your vehicle is insured for and how much you still owe on it to the finance house.

There are also these covers available; Scratch and dent, interior damage, tyre warranty, excess protector, extended motor warranty, motor service and maintenance plan.

Motorcycle / Motorbike Insurance

Covers you for accident damage, theft and hi-jacking, and for your liability to other parties following a motorbike accident.

There are various value-added products that can be added onto this insurance. If the motorcycle is financed, then credit shortfall / top up/gap cover should be selected. Credit shortfall insurance, or gap insurance, covers the difference between the amount your motorcycle is insured for and how much you still owe on it to the finance house.

Commercial Lines: Cover for your business

Fire Cover

Covers you for loss or damage to your business caused by fire. Also covers power surges, includes an architects’ fees clause, a fi re extinguishing clause and more.

Office Contents Cover

Safeguards the everyday operational assets of your place of business, from stationery and furniture to your staff ’s personal effects and even the loss of rent.

Business Interruption Cover

Protect against the possible loss of income resulting from a loss under a material damage section that interrupts normal business operations.

Business All Risk Cover

This section gives cover for items belonging to your business that you have specified. The items you specify will be insured against theft or damage, whether they are on your business premises or not.

Machinery Breakdown Business Interruption Insurance Cover

This is designed to provide indemnity for sudden and unforeseen physical loss or damage to insured machinery. Cover can be provided for the costs to repair sudden and unexpected failure of electrical and mechanical production machinery (using new parts) and can be extended to cater for loss of profit while the machinery is being repaired following an event insured in terms of the machinery breakdown policy. In addition to the policy cover extends to include provision for breakdowns caused by operator error and ingress of foreign objects.

Motor Vehicle Insurance

You have to have motor insurance before you can drive your vehicle in a public place. It protects you, your vehicle and other motorists against liability in case there is an accident. It provides financial compensation to cover any injuries caused to people or their property.

Public Liability Cover

Cover against liability in the event of third-party death, illness or damaged property for which your business is held responsible.

Sasria Insurance

Provides special risk cover to all individuals and businesses that own assets in South Africa. It covers civil commotion, riot, strike, lockout, public disorder, rebellion and revolution and terrorism.

We Also Offer:

All-In-One Liability Policy

SA’s first and only all-in-one, all-risk third-party legal liability policy for small businesses. This policy includes all the cover you need, wrapped up in one.

Hole-In-One Insurance

Hole-In-One insurance is an insurance policy taken out by an event or golf day organiser, tournament host or sponsor of a golfing event. This insurance is a type of prize indemnity insurance that covers the cost of the prize, protecting both the insured and the prize winner by guaranteeing that they’ll receive the promised prize, because the insurer has committed to paying for it.

Travel Insurance Cover

Insurance for individuals or groups travelling locally on internally for leisure or business.


  • Medical and Related Expenses and Assistance Services
  • Evacuation
  • Cancellation
  • Curtailment
  • Personal Liability
  • Personal Accident
  • Lost or Stolen Luggage
  • Travel Delay
  • Legal Assistance

Cyber Insurance Cover (Personal)

This is cyber Insurance for individuals to protect themselves against cybercrime. 

Cyber Insurance Cover (Business)

This is cyber insurance for businesses.  This cyber insurance policy gives your business comprehensive cover against costs and damages resulting from a privacy breach or a network security breach. You’ll also get an expert incident response team managing the process.

you asked, we answered

Starting your own business requires you to take on a degree of risk. As a business owner, you already have the passion and drive to take on new challenges, but you will also be required to protect the value of the assets you purchase for your company. Insurance can help you recover when things go horribly wrong. From property losses related to items such as fire or theft, to liability issues should someone sue – or threaten to sue you. With the proper policies in place, you will obtain peace of mind and feel more comfortable in your new role as an entrepreneur.

This answer is based on the below factors: 
•How quickly the item would need to be replaced if a claim occurred. 
• How long it would take for you to be able to afford replacing the item in case of non-insurance.
•How much the item is worth versus the premium charged for it. This is a calculation that can only be done by the client as they would need to asses this based on their individual needs and circumstances.

Yes, you should include insurance expenses in your initial business plan and yearly budget. From a cash flow perspective, you’ll want to understand what kind of payment options and timing are available. When starting out, aim to separate your company assets from your personal items to determine the amount of insurance you’ll need to carry. To properly establish your new company, speak to a tax or legal advisor about formalizing the structure of your business.

Strictly speaking, retail value is the highest value a motor vehicle can be insured for. From lowest to highest – trade value, market value, retail value. However, some insurers are allowing clients to insure vehicles for an ‘agreed amount’ provided that the value can be justified and thereafter accepted by the insurer. 

 The cost of insurance is determined on a range of factors including the following:
• The value of the company assets you wish to insure.
• Number of employees.
• Specific risks associated with your industry.
• Your personal risk tolerance and the amount of liability protection you prefer.

Insure Safe Advisors believes in a “hands on” approach whereby we prioritise client interaction through in person meetings. This provides the client with the opportunity to ask as many questions as they would like for which immediate answers can be provided thus, eliminating any uncertainties and bringing about a better understanding for the client. Insure Safe Advisors goes the extra mile come claims time, handling the claim from start to finish on behalf of the client whilst providing feedback every step of the way. We form personal relationships with our clients and therefore, genuinely have their best interests at heart.

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At Insure Safe Advisors, we put you first. Speak to one of our friendly consultants to satisfy your insurance needs.