Protect your income, protect your future.

Welcome to a new age of insurance. We offer protection for all aspects of your life, with low rates & a simple online process.

We’ve got you covered

Professional Indemnity Insurance can help cover personal trainers and their business if a client suffers an injury or financial loss as a result of the trainer’s advice or service. Without Professional Indemnity Insurance, a personal trainer could be liable for the associated claim legal fees and compensation payments.



Prime asset insurance cover begins will pay you your income for up to 6 months after your accident or illness. Meaning you don't need to sweat the bills whilst you recover.


Prime asset insurance begins paying out 4 days after you claim meaning your bills are covered straight away.


Prime asset insurance protects you and your family from having financial stress on top of dealing with the injury or illness at hand. This policy is here to protect yours and your families future.


Get paid after 4 days, get paid for up to 6 months and if you are only partially able to return to work we will pay you 50% of your income as well. Meaning you are fairly compensated, always.


We ensure that we provide clients with the service quality they deserve. Whilst ensuring you are treated with value, rather than just being a number.


You deserve to know exactly where things stand at all times. We give you peace of mind in ensuring that you have the support you need from us, always.


Communication is key when it comes to building a long term relationship of any kind. We keep you updated regularly and are open to discussions everyday.


We are continuously making an effort to improve on our service quality and offerings to ensure we keep up with the ever changing world and market conditions.

“Income is an essential Resource for the all things you and your Family needs. income protector Protects you from Unexpected losses to earnings.”

What you need to know

Learn more about why professional indemnity is an important insurance policy to have.


A fitness professional insurance policy arranged by Marsh can cover you South Africa wide.

Fitness professionals can also train at a variety of venues as part of their insurance policy arranged by Marsh, including indoor gyms, outdoor at parks or hired community halls or at a client’s home.

Small business owners, including specialised fitness professionals, owe a “duty of care” to their clients to ensure reasonable steps are put in place for their safety and, additionally, for the safety of other third parties. As negligence lawsuits can be unpredictable and very costly, public liability insurance can be a solution to help cover the cost of compensation for third-party injury or property damage and legal fees incurred in defending the claim.

As a fitness professional, there are several situations that might put you at risk of a professional indemnity claim, such as:

  • Failing to take a client’s medical history or conduct a sound health assessment
  • Inadequate supervision during a client session
  • Failing to take adequate measures to prevent injury
  • Pushing clients beyond their capacity
  • Failing to warn clients of the potential dangers of certain exercises
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
“Insurance used to scare me. But that all changed thanks to United! They make everything easy to understand and use!”

Diane Jones

Happy customers

“The best insurance company I’ve worked with! Not only is everything so simple, but they have the best rates in the industry.”

Carl Correa

“Talk about a cool Insruance company! Everything is online and if you do need to speak to someone for help, it’s like talking to a friend!”

Leonie Vega